As e-commerce grows all facets of supply chain networks and the facilities within them must adapt. Learn what is changing...
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Mr. Kulp has over 25 years of experience in facilities auditing and planning, equipment specification and justification, work standards, operations training, and project management within high volume distribution and e-commerce fulfillment centers. Has also served in the role of EVP and Managing Partner of St. Onge Company since 2017. He is an active member of the Material Handling Industry organization and serves on several of their member groups, including The Robotics Group, the Solutions Community Group, and the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Advisory Committee. Matt is a frequent speaker at the MHI annual conventions ProMat and Modex.
E-Commerce's Effect on Supply Chain Networks, Facility Designs and Real Estate Strategy
This seminar will communicate how the growth of e-commerce (including the acceleration of that growth triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic and the aftermath) has affected supply chain networks (facility locations and mission), facility design for both major hubs and last mile e-commerce facilities and real estate pressure to find locations for all the nodes in the e-commerce and retail supply chainsThe attendee will learn about the needs for what could be called the “newCommerce” supply chain.
Learning Objectives
- Learn how networks are changing to meet the challenges of e-commerce customer demands as e-commerce volume waxes and brick and mortar wanes.
- Learn how assets in retail supply are shifting in their roles to address the changing mix of e-commerce and brick and mortar volumes.
- Learn how real estate strategy trends are affected by e-commerce changes.
Participant Outcomes
- The attendee will be able to consider e-commerce trends in relation to their current supply chain network strategy.
- The attendee will be able to evaluate their role in relation to the changing mix of e-commerce and brick and mortar volumes.
- The attendee will be able to evaluate their current real estate strategy in relation to needs affected by e-commerce trends.