Michael Sakamoto is the Senior Manager for UL Solutions, a global accredited compliance testing, inspection, and certification company. He manages the development of global services with focus on consumer product safety. He has been with UL for 12 years and brings commercial and business
development background from working at Sony Electronics for over 15 years managing new product launches, sales distribution, new supply chain approaches, and logistics. Current projects at UL Solutions include development of testing and certification services with a focus on electrical and battery safety for wide range of consumer and commercial products that include public facing robots. Other related projects include development of services in assessing the safety of critical components used in these products including batteries, chargers, optical laser components, and printed circuit boards.
03:00 PM - 03:45 PM Thu, Oct 19, 2023 Ballroom F
Safety Implication of Public-Facing Robots: Considerations for Safety Standard for LMD
Robots operating in high public profile environments have safety implication that go beyond those operating in a controlled environment with skilled and/or trained population.This paper discusses a safety standard approach that not only covers the device hardware safety but also attempts to cover safe mobility and functional safety for the diversity of population that LMD will be interacting with.Participant will learn the key elements of UL 3300, safety standard for Service, Communication, Information, Education, and Entertainment Robots.
Learning Objectives
- Learn the basics of non-robotic functions and applying UL 62368-1 as a foundation
- Learn the application of safeguard techniques for robotic functions
- Learn the use of functional safety in assessing safety related control systems
- Learn consideration for safety for robot's interaction with vulnerable persons
Participant Outcomes
- Participant will be able to differentiate the concerns of a public operating robot vs those in controlled structured environments
- Participants will be able to identify the key elements in the safety of non robotics functions
- Participants will be able to describe the approach to robot safety of UL 3300 standard